Steven Speilberg is an American film director, screenwriter and film producer. He has won many awards including an Accademy Award for best director, for his 1993 hit Schindler's List.
- Date of birth: December 18th 1946
- Born in Cinsinnati, Ohio
- Speilberg's first big hit was with Jaws. It was an enormous hit and earned 3 accademy awards
- In 1997 he produced the hugely succesfull sequel to Jurrasic Park, with The Lost World: Jurrasic Park.
- Most of his films deal with ordinary characters searching for or comming in contact with extraordinary beings or finding themselves in extraordinary circumstances
- There are also many child orientated themes, one of which being the loss of innocense and coming of age
- The most persistent theme through his films is tension within the parent-child relationship
- He uses the feelings he had as a child when his parents divorced in his films, e.g in E.T the parents of the protagonist are divorced
- He has worked with the likes of Harrison Ford, Clint Eastwood and Robert Lorenz
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